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Please choose one of the following pages:


Organizations & Societies

Want to join a butterfly club, lepidoptera organization or entomology society? Here you will find contact information— or links where available— to a wide variety of organizations and societies around the world.

Equipment Suppliers

This page, on Mike Quinn's excellent Texas Entomology site, provides contact information or links to a number of suppliers of entomological or biological equipment and supplies that you might find useful.

Endangered Species

These pages provides links to a number of sites containing information on or about endangered butterflies and insects from all over the world.

Expanded Index

Due to space constraints, the index found in the book is not as useful as I would have liked it to be. It also contained a number of formatting errors. Here is an Expanded Index that you can download and print to keep with your copy of the book.

Note: To download the PDF file without opening it, right-click on the link (Windows) or control-click on the link (Macintosh) and choose "Save link (or target) as..."


On this page you will find links to some of my favorite websites, places and pages.